What is Portfolio Consulting?
At Simplified Wealth Management, we partner with The Financial Services Network’s Portfolio Consulting team in order to
build portfolios reflective of the unique financial objectives of our clients. Together, we collaborate on
portfolio construction and investment selection so that we are leveraging thought leadership and the
diverse resources of an experienced team. Partnering with a team of investment professionals, focused
on the day-to-day tasks involved in trading and rebalancing portfolios, helps us devote more time to
you, our valued clients.
Investment Process
Stage 1
- Market Implied Returns
- The Network Expected Returns
- Capital Market Assumptions
Stage 2
- Asset Class Variance- Covariance Matrix
- Asset Class Skew & Kurtosis
- Constraints
- Risk Budget
- Pre-Overlay SAA Portfolio Weights
Stage 3
Asset Allocation Overlay
- Macroeconomic Overlay
- Thematic Opportunities Overlay
- Portfolio Construction & Implementation Overlay
- Final Portfolio Weights